Category: Free Inquiry

Self Care

Hello C’s Class

Today is my last blog on my self care journey… Sad but thank you for following and I hope that you got the chance to try out a few of my tips and tricks! I think that it was such a great topic now that I’m assuming we will all be isolating in out homes which can be quite taxing on our mental and physical well being! Keep reading if you want to know some of the ideas that will be continuing to do and maybe some other new info!

Okay so a few months ago I started this journey to discover what self care activities worked for me and to find some that i could implement into my daily life and to cover different categories other then just watching Netflix and drinking vino.. which I must admit is still one of my favs! So I started out with running which is not my favourite way to get out and active. You have to do what you love in order for it to be self care! So instead if this I started walking and going to kick boxing classes! I find that daily exercise  is so essential in living a well rounded and healthy life! especially know that we are stuck at home please get out, soak up the sun and get active! Establishing a sleeping routine is still one of my favourite ways of self care. I think sleep is very important for out health and getting off screen time before bed I think is my top tip about sleep. Try it out and see how it works for you. There have been so many articles saying to get off screens so I encourage this! What else did I like… oh cooking of course! Take this time away from the world to use the food in your pantry, try out new recipes, and nourish your body! My last tip is to do things out of love. Chose activities that make YOU happy, that make you feel good, that make you feel relaxed, and that make you feel rested. Self care is the one time I encourage you to be all about yourself! We can help others if we don’t help ourselves first!

My over all learning from my inquiry is that self care takes a lot more then just having a bath, or going to the beach to read a book alone. It is about taking care of you as a whole. This means, physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. You need to ensure that you are well rounded and balanced in order to life a balanced life. I want to continue to challenge myself by finding new ways of self care that I can help switch up my routine. Of course I’ll resort back to lots of my original favs but it’s fun to mix it up once in awhile. If you are living a busy life literally schedule in you self care time for the day..seriously! We all need it and we all deserve it!

Thanks for following along my journey. Until next time!


Corona… no not the beer

Hello C’s Class

So I am sure that all of you are aware of the coronavirus and if not please let me know where you are hiding out! Well I hope that you are all isolating yourself the best you can to ensure you stay healthy and to protect those who are compromised and are at risk! Today I am going to be talking about what I am doing to take precautions and stay safe!

My university finally called it quits and we will be doing the remainder of our term online/at home! I hope that your work/schools do the same to ensure your safety! I am currently writing this blog on my couch while still in my PJ’s.. what a dream! Okay but in all seriousness here are some of the things I am doing to stay calm and safe in order to make sure I am still doing self-care and that fear and anxiety of this virus doesn’t control me! First off wash your dang hands!!! I hope you do this regardless of the virus… Wash your hands and scrub em good for 20 seconds and then dry them. Don’t touch you face and try not to come in direct contact with people. Stay at home if you can! I honestly can’t believe the amount of people still going out to the bars… don’t be dumb! At home constantly wipe down surfaces and wash all you produce you bring into the house! Basically be safe and take extra precautions just to be safe. Most likely like me you know that if you get this virus you’ll be okay but that’s not the point. You need to stay safe so that medical professionals have time to help the people most at risk. You want to stay inside so that you don’t come in contact with someone who is compromised. You can’t just think about yourself in these kinds of situations. Keep safe so you keep others safe. Easy as that! Here is also a cute video that you can show you kids, or students, or anyone dumb enough not to know that you need to wash your hands!

Anyways, that’s all for today and remember wash your dang hands!!!



Inner Self-Care

Hello Casey’s Class

So this week I have been super sick.. I know gross but don’t worry at least I don’t have the coronavirus! It got me thinking a lot about my inner self-care that it probably most important but also most neglected. So here we go on my thoughts this week!

Most people (also me) when they get sick or run down they immediately panic about making it to work or school… right? Like omg I can’t miss work I have bills to pay or my teacher is going to kill me with some crazy make up assignment or doc me marks if I don’t show up. So what do we do? We show up half assing work/school and spreading our germs all over the place… But what we also don’t think about is how pushing ourselves to show up for these things affects us mentally. It’s going to make getting better 2x as hard and mentally we are burning our selfs out even more so when we do get better we still feel like poop. I decided that I would take some time off to get better and let me tell you it was the best decision. First off my teachers we so understanding and when I came back to school I motivated and ready to learn! While I was home sick in bed I did lots of thinking, reading, and sleeping.. I started a new book that is about becoming a better version of yourself and creating a new mindset in order to have a more positive perspective on life. It talks about about making all your decisions based on love instead of fear and when you can do that your whole sense of self care and interactions with the world changes. So I started trying it out. Thinking about everything I have done out of fear and how I could have approach it differently. Once prime example is going into school even though I was super sick. Was I doing it for me or because I was scared about what my teachers and peers would think? Then I switched to making a choice based on love and I thought no I need to stay home in order to get better and my teachers will understand. And they did and I got better, and my wellness got better. Over all I came out the other side healthier mentally and physically!

My point here is start making choices based on love instead of fear. Self-care doesn’t always have to be something tangible or an activity. It really starts within yourself and when you can make a shift in your mental well being that’s when you can really start living a more mindful and calm life that doesn’t burn you out.

So if you’re sick stay home and get better!


What’s Cookin Good Lookin?

Hello C’s Class,

Coming at you with another self-care blog! Today’s blog is about…Food! Which is something we all love and if it’s not then get out of blog right now… goodbye!

So food is something we literally all need to survive but a lot of the time we aren’t thinking what we are putting into out bodies. I am someone with a lot of food intolerances, so I do a lot of cooking which also happens to be a stress reliever. It is comforting to know what I am putting in my food so that I know what is going into by body in order to properly nourish it.

In order for self-care and or wellness to be successful you need to be covering all aspects of it. You can’t just sit and watch movies drinking wine and become this relaxed, healthy, and mindful person. Although yes movies and wine are a form of self-care that I love, it doesn’t mean I do this everyday and that’s all I do. I like to cover all my bases. Like you have read, I have a sleep routine, I exercise, I watch movies, and so much more. Now another way is good food and good food with good friends is even better. So this week I found the most delicious recipe for tofu and it has made me the happiest person ever! I look forward to cooking it and eating it… It’s amazingggg! I find joy in find recipe inspo and cooking. If it doesn’t bring you joy then don’t do this for self-care. Remember that this is my journey that I am sharing with you! I have been dying to try out a new pizza place and last night I finally did! I got together with 2 of my girl friends and we went for pizza and had meaningful good conversations and lots of laughs. See this is self-care that is fun and nourishing for you body! I mean how many of you have a “comfort” food you each when you are feeling down? Why do you think you make that food? Because it makes you feel better! So there you have it folks! Good old self-care starts in the kitchen… or restaurant if you can cook? Both work!

Well, good luck cooking up a storm! Stay nourished friends!


Beauty Sleep

Hello C’s Class

This week I want to talk about beauty sleep and how I go about my nightly routine.

So, this semester I have been feeling unmotivated, tired, and just plain old run down. I was so focused on doing my self-care journey to help improve my life that I forgot one of the most important self-care practices…SLEEP! If you are looking for ways to improve your sleep and get more energy keep reading!

Since starting my self-care journey, I have been inspired to make better life choice in becoming a new me…as corny as that sounds it’s true. The other day I was thinking about what my next self-care idea would be and I kept seeing things come up on my Pinterest about making a bedtime routine. I mean little kids do it and they seem to wake up chipper? I mean most of them? I don’t know maybe I am wrong but there is a reason they have a bed time and I thought why don’t adults? I mean if anything, we need it more… So I set out to make a routine! I will link some resources below for tips on how to make your own routine and some of the products I love before bedtime!

I think sleep often gets put on the back burner… but why? Sleep is something every person in the world needs in order to function. Unless you’re some crazy human that has been able to get on with no sleep…maybe stop reading my blog…this won’t apply. But honestly, if being present at work, at school, while with friends or family is so important then why are we compromising ourself in order to make more plans but get less sleep? I honestly don’t get it. We aren’t super humans so why do we think we can can stay up till midnight on school days, then get up early for school, then go out till 2am on the weekend, and then get up early for work and do it all again? Then we are surprised we feel like crap or get sick! Well, no wonder we get sick, we are treating our bodies like we are invincible. Have some respect, we only get one! Then I kept thinking why am I compromising sleep? Because if I go to bed now, I will miss that episode on netflix that is going to still be there on the weekend? Do I fear I’ll miss something if I stay in on the weekend? Or maybe I think that cramming in all the studying I needed to do for a test tomorrow will make me get an A on it… honestly you will probably still fail but now you’re going to fail and be tired. It’s really a lose lose situation. Bottom line is, go to bed people. All of that will still be there in the morning and if you missed out on a big night out, just be glad you get to wake up rested and not hung over. Start sleeping and take care of yourself so that you can be present when things really matter. If you have to take a mental health day to catch up and get your body aligned that’s okay. Just don’t do this every week… Your professors and employers will catch on soon enough.

I’m getting distracted… All you care about is my night routine right? Okay I am getting to that.

My routine: First I picked a bed time that is attainable to most of my week days. I chose to start my routine around 8:30 and to be sleeping by around 9:30 at the latest. Next I went to the most important rule in a bedtime routine…No electronics. Our world is so controlled by texting or sending that last email, or checking your instagram one more time before bed. Noooo! Stoppp being a slave to your phones! So my rule is to set an alarm for my morning then plug my phone in and then don’t look at it till the morning alarm goes off. I try and do this at least an hour before shutting my eyes to go to sleep. After this I put on my PJ’s, put a bit of my “sleep well” oil on and then hop into bed with either some water or hot peppermint tea. Then I read a book until I feel like I want to fall asleep then brush my teeth, put some more oil on and then go to sleep! I also turn off/down my heat so that the temperature in my room allows me to stay asleep and make my room really dark. That’s it! Super simple, easy, and attainable. Except for when I work my night shifts from 9-2am… that a different story.

Unplug and do what feels right for you. Those texts messages and insta posts can wait and will still be there in the morning. Stop putting everyone else before YOU! How can you effectively help or engage with other people if you can’t first take care of yourself first?

Here are some resources!

Sleeping Tips 

Making a routine

Sleep Well roll on oil 

Book I am currently reading 

How to apply oil: I like to apply it on the bottoms of both feet for quick absorption and put it on both sides of my neck as shown in video! This stuff works like a dream!

I hope you enjoyed this blog and go and get a good restful nights sleep!



Taking Care of You!

Hello C’s Class!

I hope you all had a great week and have an even better weekend! So I wanted to pop on here and talk about self-care and taking a break when you need it. Hopefully my tips and tricks will come in handy this weekend so you can have have a little me time.

So it is the third week of my inquiry posts and I wanted to talk about physical self-care again this week as it is really important. Last weekend I moved into my new place! Yay exciting… but my mental health was really affected unexpectedly. Basically I was feeling anxious, OCD, and kind sad at first. ALL of these are sooo normal to feel and so valid always, don’t let anyone tell you different! There were boxes all over my apartment, it was messy, muddy from the rain, and I was looking at it and thinking how in the world am I going to get through all this. Then I started cleaning the place and was so crazy about everything being clean and in the right place and making sure everything was lined up straight and looked visually appealing. Then I started feeling unsure if moving was a good idea… and then I got really overwhelmed and decided to give myself a break. To let myself feel my emotions, to not feel guilty, and to allow myself to be okay with not being okay. So I put away any homework I was supposed to do, stopped unpacking, and sat down on my couch, poured a glass of vino(only if you are , and watched some much needed chick flicks. YESS this is totally expectable and it made me feel some much better. Sometimes the smallest thing like watching a movie and forgetting about what you should be doing is exactly what you need. I am not saying procrastination is good but sometimes we need a break and girl that is okayyy!

Through this process of inquiry, I guess I am slowing learning what works for me. It is so important to read that sentence one more time…go ahead I’ll wait. Okay so you read it? I can’t stress this enough that it is what works for ME. I am not saying go out and do exactly what I am doing. I am not a doctor or therapist that is giving you advice. I am simply keeping you updated on my journey and what has been working for me. But is is important to keep in mind that everyone needs a break once in awhile. Whether it is watching netflix and enjoying one glass of vino or going for a run, cooking a healthy dinner, taking a nap….DO what works for you. Be careful though. In order to do self-care and take a mental health day, you need to practice healthy and safe self-care actives. If you are feeling like your emotions are taking over your life, go talk to someone. Phone a friend, family member, or go and seek help. There is nothing wrong with seeking out help. It makes you stronger for seeing that what you are feeling might not go away on its own and that is OKAY!

To be honest I didn’t think my post today would be going in this directions today… But I am learning through this process that the only person that matters is you when it comes to mental health and it is so so important that you do what you need to in order to live a happy life and wake up every morning knowing it is going to be another beautiful day that you get to take on! So stay strong guys, I believe in you! I am also going to link some physical self-care ideas that work for me and maybe some of my fav things!

Anyways, until next week! Have a relaxing weekend and take care of you, boo!

Casey’s favs:


Essential oils

Bath bombs



Survived My First Run!

Hello C’s Class

Okay so you must be wondering if I survived my run…well obviously because I am writing this blog. But…I not only survived it but I loved it!

I ran 2.61K and haven’t worked out since September! I took my dog with me (I’ll post a pic of him below. He’s the cutest!) Anyways, he is 8 years old and he isn’t the best I had to pack the run in early because I didn’t want to kill him haha. But honestly if I didn’t take Murphy I would have kept running, it felt so good! Then I signed up for my 10K in April and I’m pretty pumped.

So what are the pros and cons to running? Well let me tell you! The pros are pretty obvious. If you are running outside you get fresh air, get to look at scenery, great for your lungs and heart, helps lose weight, it is decently cheap compared to getting a gym pass, and you feel pretty damn great after you go for a run. So mental health is definitely improved in my personal experience. I honestly felt like for the first time I was running for myself and not because other people were telling me I should run. I was putting my self first and staying at a pace that felt right for me and also listened to some pretty great tunes. Tunes are an essential if you are running…in my opinion!

So what are the cons? Well if you don’t like running DON’T RUN! Who cares if people say you should go for a run, if you don’t vibe with it then don’t do it. You’ll end up feeling anxious and probably push yourself because of peer pressure. If you do like running but still push yourself you can get injured…so don’t do that! Here is a resource so you can check out for more pros and cons.. also it will link you to a bunch of other awesome articles! Click HERE

This past week I have moved into my own place! Yay exciting, but it has taken me away from running… so I will be getting back to it this week and exploring my next self-care activity… so stay posted! Also Bought this cool running belt to put my phones and keys in when I run!

Anyways, back to unpacking my boxes. Have a good week class!


Self-Care Journey

Hello Casey’s Class!

So my last inquiry blog I left you all on the edge wondering what I ended up choosing for my project… Well maybe not the edge but anyways I am doing it on wellness and self-care. For my actual first blog about my topic I wanted to talk about the different categories of self-care and my rough ideas on how I think I want to take on this journey.

Everyone might have their own types of self-care or think that there aren’t any specific categories and you just do what feels good. Hey if that’s working, get it girl! Or anyone I should say… Self-care isn’t just for girls, ya’ll should all be practicing it!  So back to my categories.

Basically I will be focusing on:

Physical self-care

Emotional self-care

Psychological self-care

Spiritual self-care

Professional self-care

My goals are to try each category for 2 weeks, see how balancing out my self-care with different types affects my well being, determine what practices work or don’t work for me, which ones can be done on the go, and overall how I feel by putting myself first. I will be researching different practices and documenting my journey as I go along.

For my first week I will be focusing on my physical self-care. With the New Year here I am ready to start some healthier choices now that my health is back in check. I signed up for a 10k with the fam… wish me luck… I want to start running this week. It is in April so I need to start running now so that running is hopefully a self-care practice and not something I end up dreading. At least I could walk the 10k right? I know, not the point. Anyways, next weeks blog I will let you know how my running journey is going and some benefits to running and some down falls. I will give ya’ll full disclose on my journey and my honest thoughts. Also check out the awesome movie trailer below. If you want to be inspired and motivated to start running or just want a good movie to watch, well both count as self-care so go for it and treat yourself!

Anyways, that’s all for tonight. Keep posted to make sure I am still alive after my first attempt at running.

-C’s Class



Hello C’s Class,

This session is a bit different than my regular blogs. I am starting a free inquiry project that will allow me to explore a topic of my choosing. I am pondering the thought of doing my project on wellness. This would incorporate health, nutrition, and self care. I believe that is is extremely important to take time and practice wellness in you daily routine. I am not exactly sure how this will become my inquiry project but.. I have till Thursday to figure it out sooo wish me luck!

Doing an inquiry project is honestly kind of hard.. I am faced with choosing any topic I want… Um I have a lot of interests and passions that I want to purse so how am I supposed to choose just one thing to focus on! Well I’ll tell you this. Being in school, working, and dealing with everyday life really burns a person out. So I’m thinking that wellness might be very beneficial for me to focus on… lol

My question though, is what wellness or selfceare tips and tricks actually work? There are so many out there and lots of them cost money but are they worth it? So my journey would be about focusing each week on one kind of wellness/self-care activity and provide you all with my experience and thoughts on each one. We will see what my prof thinks and I’ll get back to you on my plan of action!

Anyways, that’s all for today. Check back next week for more from C’s Class.




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