Hello C’s Class

Just coming at you with another update on how my guitar journey is going. So far I am enjoying it as I am isolating at home… it gives me something to do other then just watch Netflix! I have been practicing through out the day for an estimated time of maybe 15-20 mins a day…

So what have I been working on? Well, still trying to work on transition from chord to chord while not looking and pressing hard enough on the strings that the song comes out clear. I haven’t quite mastered not looking yet but that is something that will come with practice and time. I also have been working on the strumming pattern which is definitely harder then I thought. It is not hard in the sense that I can’t do it but more hard on the fact that I can’t quite find a pattern that I think goes best with the song… I have been watching lots of youtube videos and everyone seems to do something different so I am trying lots of different ones out and seeing if I can find one that really makes sense to me or maybe even trying to combine some and making up my own? That would be crazy but we shall see what works! I have been playing the guitar with my song which helps me stay on beat and track of the song and to ensure I play the whole song. My hand gets cramped up sometimes so I have been trying to play more and more of the song each time so that I can eventually play the entire song with out stopping! I have also been seeing if I like the song better with or without my pick. They both make a different sound when strumming so this is something I have been trying out!

That’s all for today! Check back next week for my guitar video!