Hello C’s Class

So I am sure that all of you are aware of the coronavirus and if not please let me know where you are hiding out! Well I hope that you are all isolating yourself the best you can to ensure you stay healthy and to protect those who are compromised and are at risk! Today I am going to be talking about what I am doing to take precautions and stay safe!

My university finally called it quits and we will be doing the remainder of our term online/at home! I hope that your work/schools do the same to ensure your safety! I am currently writing this blog on my couch while still in my PJ’s.. what a dream! Okay but in all seriousness here are some of the things I am doing to stay calm and safe in order to make sure I am still doing self-care and that fear and anxiety of this virus doesn’t control me! First off wash your dang hands!!! I hope you do this regardless of the virus… Wash your hands and scrub em good for 20 seconds and then dry them. Don’t touch you face and try not to come in direct contact with people. Stay at home if you can! I honestly can’t believe the amount of people still going out to the bars… don’t be dumb! At home constantly wipe down surfaces and wash all you produce you bring into the house! Basically be safe and take extra precautions just to be safe. Most likely like me you know that if you get this virus you’ll be okay but that’s not the point. You need to stay safe so that medical professionals have time to help the people most at risk. You want to stay inside so that you don’t come in contact with someone who is compromised. You can’t just think about yourself in these kinds of situations. Keep safe so you keep others safe. Easy as that! Here is also a cute video that you can show you kids, or students, or anyone dumb enough not to know that you need to wash your hands!

Anyways, that’s all for today and remember wash your dang hands!!!