Hello Casey’s Class!

So my last inquiry blog I left you all on the edge wondering what I ended up choosing for my project… Well maybe not the edge but anyways I am doing it on wellness and self-care. For my actual first blog about my topic I wanted to talk about the different categories of self-care and my rough ideas on how I think I want to take on this journey.

Everyone might have their own types of self-care or think that there aren’t any specific categories and you just do what feels good. Hey if that’s working, get it girl! Or anyone I should say… Self-care isn’t just for girls, ya’ll should all be practicing it!  So back to my categories.

Basically I will be focusing on:

Physical self-care

Emotional self-care

Psychological self-care

Spiritual self-care

Professional self-care

My goals are to try each category for 2 weeks, see how balancing out my self-care with different types affects my well being, determine what practices work or don’t work for me, which ones can be done on the go, and overall how I feel by putting myself first. I will be researching different practices and documenting my journey as I go along.

For my first week I will be focusing on my physical self-care. With the New Year here I am ready to start some healthier choices now that my health is back in check. I signed up for a 10k with the fam… wish me luck… I want to start running this week. It is in April so I need to start running now so that running is hopefully a self-care practice and not something I end up dreading. At least I could walk the 10k right? I know, not the point. Anyways, next weeks blog I will let you know how my running journey is going and some benefits to running and some down falls. I will give ya’ll full disclose on my journey and my honest thoughts. Also check out the awesome movie trailer below. If you want to be inspired and motivated to start running or just want a good movie to watch, well both count as self-care so go for it and treat yourself!

Anyways, that’s all for tonight. Keep posted to make sure I am still alive after my first attempt at running.

-C’s Class