Hello C’s Class,

I wanted to start this blog off today with what I did in last weeks class and then I will go into a bit of what I did today! Basically I am going to talk about a school and then on how we are pretty much all criminals… That escalated quickly. If that sounds interesting keep reading.

So as I was saying, last week I watch an interesting documentary called “Most Likely to Succeed”. To sum up the movie from at least my stand point it was about a school that did things a little differently. It was a school based on inquiry and student directed learning. First I will say that the idea of this innovating school is a really great idea. I think that we are on the right track if society is coming up with new ways to revamp the education system. Although I don’t completely agree with this idea of student directed learning and this sense of freedom within the class without structure… I definitely can see the benefits and for some students this would be a game changer for their educational experience. Yes, stepping away from a rigid strict curriculum and leaning towards a curriculum in which the students chose what they want to learn is ideal. How can we teach while keeping students motivated if they don’t care about what they are learning? So why don’t I agree completely with this idea you might ask? Well fun fact is that I get to work with individuals with autism and I love it. These smart and talented individuals have taught me a lot about how every single person brings different abilities to the table and that everyone learns differently. What I have learned is that we can’t as a society take education and put it at two extremes. Right now you either have strict classes, tests, and a rigid curriculum or you have the complete opposite and have freedom, student choice, and inquiry based learning. Where is the middle ground? The individuals with autism that I get to work with would never be able to work within a no structure environment. But on the other hand I know many people who can’t work in a strict environment. So what are we to do? How can we take two polar opposite ideas and compromise to ensure everyone has equal opportunities to get an education? Just some thoughts to hangout with, but anyways on to my next point.

In my tech class today we started off by watching the documentary “RiP! Remix Manifesto Documentary”. Basically to sum up what this docu was about is we are all criminals… LOL JK… Maybe. I want to be able to explain to all of you what this movie was about but honestly there was so much info I don’t know where to start. Incase you’re wondering (my prof) I was paying attention the whole time.. I promise. Basically what really stuck with me is that all of us at some point have probably used something from the internet without being allowed to. Have you downloaded music without paying? Or maybe a movie or picture? Well shhhh because no body needs to know that it is a hefty fine. We all have Spotify or Netflix now so we’ve mostly moved on. But to sum up my learning I got from this docu is cite your work people! Make sure you can use something before you take it. Educate yourself on how to take someone else’s property in the right way. If someone was to take my words from my blog and say they were there’s I would forsure sue them.. No honestly I would laugh because if you think my blogs are worth stealing then can we be friends? Anyways, just be smart and stop stealing. A cool tip if you are getting images off the internet is to search for your image and then change to usage rights under “tools” boom cite that and you aren’t a criminal.  My prof also gave us a cool website to use for images that I absolutely love and can give all credits to for basically all the images I will post on here. Check out Unsplash for free pics!

Anyways that’s all for today. Check out C’s Class for more info on my wellness journey this week.