Hello C’s Class

This week I want to talk about beauty sleep and how I go about my nightly routine.

So, this semester I have been feeling unmotivated, tired, and just plain old run down. I was so focused on doing my self-care journey to help improve my life that I forgot one of the most important self-care practices…SLEEP! If you are looking for ways to improve your sleep and get more energy keep reading!

Since starting my self-care journey, I have been inspired to make better life choice in becoming a new me…as corny as that sounds it’s true. The other day I was thinking about what my next self-care idea would be and I kept seeing things come up on my Pinterest about making a bedtime routine. I mean little kids do it and they seem to wake up chipper? I mean most of them? I don’t know maybe I am wrong but there is a reason they have a bed time and I thought why don’t adults? I mean if anything, we need it more… So I set out to make a routine! I will link some resources below for tips on how to make your own routine and some of the products I love before bedtime!

I think sleep often gets put on the back burner… but why? Sleep is something every person in the world needs in order to function. Unless you’re some crazy human that has been able to get on with no sleep…maybe stop reading my blog…this won’t apply. But honestly, if being present at work, at school, while with friends or family is so important then why are we compromising ourself in order to make more plans but get less sleep? I honestly don’t get it. We aren’t super humans so why do we think we can can stay up till midnight on school days, then get up early for school, then go out till 2am on the weekend, and then get up early for work and do it all again? Then we are surprised we feel like crap or get sick! Well, no wonder we get sick, we are treating our bodies like we are invincible. Have some respect, we only get one! Then I kept thinking why am I compromising sleep? Because if I go to bed now, I will miss that episode on netflix that is going to still be there on the weekend? Do I fear I’ll miss something if I stay in on the weekend? Or maybe I think that cramming in all the studying I needed to do for a test tomorrow will make me get an A on it… honestly you will probably still fail but now you’re going to fail and be tired. It’s really a lose lose situation. Bottom line is, go to bed people. All of that will still be there in the morning and if you missed out on a big night out, just be glad you get to wake up rested and not hung over. Start sleeping and take care of yourself so that you can be present when things really matter. If you have to take a mental health day to catch up and get your body aligned that’s okay. Just don’t do this every week… Your professors and employers will catch on soon enough.

I’m getting distracted… All you care about is my night routine right? Okay I am getting to that.

My routine: First I picked a bed time that is attainable to most of my week days. I chose to start my routine around 8:30 and to be sleeping by around 9:30 at the latest. Next I went to the most important rule in a bedtime routine…No electronics. Our world is so controlled by texting or sending that last email, or checking your instagram one more time before bed. Noooo! Stoppp being a slave to your phones! So my rule is to set an alarm for my morning then plug my phone in and then don’t look at it till the morning alarm goes off. I try and do this at least an hour before shutting my eyes to go to sleep. After this I put on my PJ’s, put a bit of my “sleep well” oil on and then hop into bed with either some water or hot peppermint tea. Then I read a book until I feel like I want to fall asleep then brush my teeth, put some more oil on and then go to sleep! I also turn off/down my heat so that the temperature in my room allows me to stay asleep and make my room really dark. That’s it! Super simple, easy, and attainable. Except for when I work my night shifts from 9-2am… that a different story.

Unplug and do what feels right for you. Those texts messages and insta posts can wait and will still be there in the morning. Stop putting everyone else before YOU! How can you effectively help or engage with other people if you can’t first take care of yourself first?

Here are some resources!

Sleeping Tips 

Making a routine

Sleep Well roll on oil 

Book I am currently reading 

How to apply oil: I like to apply it on the bottoms of both feet for quick absorption and put it on both sides of my neck as shown in video! This stuff works like a dream!

I hope you enjoyed this blog and go and get a good restful nights sleep!